Extending Cogite with plugins

Cogite can be extended by two mechanisms:

  • new commands or command arguments;

  • automatic resolution of CI URL.

New commands or command arguments

Here is a working example of a new cogite ci tweak command:

def tweak_jenkins_job(context):
    print("This is the 'ci tweak' command")

class CiTweakCommand(BaseCommandPlugin):
    def install(self, parser):
        ci_subparser = self.get_command_subparsers(parser, 'ci')
        tweak = ci_subparser.add_parser('tweak', help='Tweak a CI job.')

See Registering plugins below to complete the process.

Automatic resolution of CI URL

Currently, Cogite auto-detects and resolves URL for branch builds on GitHub Actions and CircleCI. If you use a CI system where the URL of the build cannot be guessed by from the name of the branch, you need a plugin.

Here is a working example of such a plugin:

import re
from cogite.plugins import BaseCiUrlGetter

def get_job_name_for_branch(repository, branch):
    # Some characters cannot be used in the name of a Jenkins job.
    forbidden = '?*/\\%!@#$^&|<>[]:;'
    sanitized_branch = re.sub('[' + re.escape(forbidden) + ']', '_', branch)
    return f"z-{repository}-{sanitized_branch}"

class CustomCiUrlGetter(BaseCiUrlGetter):
    def get_url(self, context, branch):
        if context.owner != 'Your Organization':
            return None  # not handled by this plugin

        if branch == 'master':
            job_name = context.repository
            job_name = get_job_name_for_branch(context.repository, context.branch)
        return f"https://ci.example.com/job/{job_name}"

See Registering plugins below to complete the process.

Registering plugins

The proper way to distribute your plugins is to create a fully fledged Python package (or incorporate your plugin in an existing package) and add the following line in the setup.cfg file (or a similar construction if you use a setup.py):

cogite.plugins.ci_url_getter =
  CustomCiUrlGetter = yourpackage.yourmodule:CustomCiUrlGetter

cogite.plugins.commands =
  CiTweakCommand = blease.cogite:CiTweakCommand


I am aware that the instructions above could be overwhelming for someone who has never created a Python package (even though it’s not as hard as some make it seem). It may be possible in the future to just add the path of your plugin file to the configuration file of Cogite. Something like:

commands = [