What is Cogite?

Cogite is a program that helps you create, manage and merge pull/merge requests and push upstream from the command line. It works on projects that use Git. For now, only GitHub is supported. Support for GitLab will come soon.

Basic usage looks like:

$ git checkout -b jsmith/feature
$ # add/edit/remove files, git add/rm/commit as you usually do
$ cogite pr add
$ cogite status  # checks build status and reviews
$ cogite pr merge

That’s it. Cogite is not a replacement for tools like hub or gh from GitHub. It focuses on pull requests and aims at supporting GitHub, GitLab and possibly other Git hosts.

Cogite is opinionated in that it does not add merge commits: it uses git rebase instead. More precisely, here is what cogite pr merge does to merge the branch jsmith/feature to master and push it upstream.

$ git checkout master
$ git pull --rebase            # update local "master" branch from upstream
$ git checkout jsmith/feature  # back to the feature branch
$ git rebase master            # may fail with conflicts, to be resolved as usual
$ git push --force-with-lease
$ git checkout master
$ git rebase jsmith/feature    # rebase your work on the "master" branch...
$ git push                     # ...and push it upstream
$ git branch --delete jsmith/feature       # clean up the feature branch locally
$ git push --delete origin jsmith/feature  # ditto upstream

This workflow makes sure that the Git host (e.g. GitHub) properly sees that the pull/merge request has indeed been merged.


FIXME (dbaty): make another demo where I type more carefully…



It’s suggested that you first look at the Getting started section. You may then read a bit about the Features, take a look at the List of all commands and the Configuration.

A key feature of Cogite is its extensibility: you can easily write plugins to extend commands and other functions. For more details, see Extending Cogite with plugins.


Cogite is written by Polyconseil and is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license, a copy of which is included in the source.